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Videos and Podcasts 2025

Anne Breiter Management Beratung (Wien) – Video und Podcast

Wie KI Führung verändert: Was Führungskräfte 2025 wissen müssen

In dieser Episode spricht Anneliese Breitner, Geschäftsführerin von AnneBreitner, mit Dr. Andrea Derler darüber, wie Künstliche Intelligenz Führung nicht nur effizienter, sondern auch menschlicher gestalten kann. Als führender Anbieter im Bereich People Analytics unterstützt Visier mit intuitiven Tools datenbasierte und KI-gestützte Personalentscheidungen.

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LACE Partners

How can AI tools be used to empower HR professionals?

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising HR with 64% of managers already using AI tools in their roles. In the latest HR on the Offensive podcast Chris delves into this transformation with guests Andrea Derla, Principal Research Value and Ben Harris, VP EMEA both at Visier. The discussion is centred on a report from Visier, “Managers Know AI Tools Make Them More Effective – Can HR Deliver?” that explores how generative AI can empower managers and transform decision-making in the workplace.

Podcasts 2023

The Chad & Cheese Podcast

Turnover Contagion

Did you know quitting a company is contagious? Yeah, us either. Luckily, there are really smart people looking at data and making such conclusions. That’s why we invited Andrea Derler, Ph.D., principal, research and value at Visier, a human-resources analytics company, to the show. Visier found that when employees were laid off or terminated, the likelihood that their direct colleagues would quit was 7.7 percent higher than if those employees had remained. Ooooh, that’s juicy.

Deloitte Capital H

People Management and the new world of work

In this episode, host David Mallon is joined by Visier’s Andrea Derler and Deloitte’s Eric Bokelberg to discuss using data to make better decisions in today’s world of work.

Workforce Transformations Australia Pty.Ltd

„Studying Humans Behind Data“ with Andrea Derler

Andrea Derler speaks to us about what she has been finding lately that we can use to make better decisions relating to the humans in our organisations.

In particular, she discusses: the need for data capability addressing blind spots, turnover contagion, pre-quitting behaviours and the boomerang employee phenomenon.

Andrea Derler PhD is the Principal of Research and Value at Visier and conducts research on one of the largest data sets available, 17 million employees…and counting.

Q&A: Workforce trends and the analytics you should be tracking

In today’s increasingly complex world, acting on gut feelings is not always the best way to make company decisions, especially when it involves your people. Andrea Derler, Principal of Research and Value at Visier, shares what workforce trends leaders should be aware of and the analytics they should track alongside them. 


Recruiting Community: Pay Transparency & Boomerang Employees